When applying for an online loan these days, most companies will ensure that they verify the applicant before proceeding and funding their loan. This is a standard process to ensure... read more →
In the age of greater access to loans driven by online lenders, bankruptcy remains one of the more misunderstood topics in Nigerian personal finance. The confusion and myths surrounding bankruptcy... read more →
Nigerian students Asking the question “How do I pay for university?” is like asking, 'How do I get to Lagos Island?' or, 'How do I start my side hustle?' There... read more →
An asset is a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity. Assets are... read more →
Profit Before Taxation combines all of the company's profits before tax, including operating, non-operating, continuing operations and non-continuing operations. In this educational article, we list the 2020 top banks in... read more →
There is no time to delay when it comes to managing your money given the current economic situation in Nigeria. This means taking a really close look at where your... read more →