Your credit score is important in determining if you meet the requirements to access a bank loan in Nigeria Improving your score can be achieved by following these steps: Pay... read more →
The goal of the National Identification Number (NIN) is to uniquely verify the identity of each citizen or foreign resident for security and development purposes. It also helps lenders to... read more →
Home loans in Nigeria exist to help with such lump-sum payments as those for home purchase, rent, repairs and decorations for residents of Nigeria. In this article we guide you... read more →
There is no time to delay when it comes to managing your money given the current economic situation in Nigeria. This means taking a really close look at where your... read more →
Most Nigerian banks provide credit card to salary earners who bank with them, but it’s also all too easy to rack up a big bill. If that’s happened to you... read more →
The festive season is over and many of us will have made New Year’s resolutions. But are we sticking to them or are they already a distant memory? It’s funny... read more →
Before you apply for a quick and instant loan in Nigeria, you must conduct research on the available providers for your loan type. In this guide we summarize a selection... read more →