Commercial banks generally provide company loans in Nigeria and it represents a large proportion of their loans portfolio. It can be used to acquire fixed assets that have fairly long... read more →
Origin of Banking in Nigeria The origin of modern banking in Nigeria dates back to 1883 when the African banking corporation was established followed in 1884 by the establishment of... read more →
An asset is a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity. Assets are... read more →
Short term finance is used by businesses to cover the current liabilities such as creditors, expenses. Short term loans in Nigeria are provided by most of the CBN regulated lenders.... read more →
Shareholders' funds refers to the amount of equity in a bank, which belongs to the shareholders. The amount of shareholders' funds yields an approximation of theoretically how much the shareholders... read more →
Factoring is primarily used by smaller businesses to cover short term expenditures and liabilities. This typically includes firms with unpaid invoices and late debtors. Factoring in Nigeria is provided by... read more →
Gross earnings are income before taxes or adjustments, it is calculated as revenues minus expenses. Bank's gross earnings is one measure among many of how well it uses its resources... read more →