A personal loan is a structured loan available only for personal borrowing. All retail banks offer loans of this type. The customer borrows an agreed sum and pays back in... read more →
Peer to peer lending in Nigeria is a way to borrow without using a traditional bank or credit union. The interest rate on P2P loans in Nigeria can be surprisingly... read more →
Crowdfunding is a great new way to use the power of the crowd to raise money for a variety of different projects and ventures. Crowdfunding in Nigeria is possible through... read more →
Banks are generally wary of providing credit to the SME sector due to many issues including lack of collateral and identification. As such, microfinance loans in Nigeria provide the funding needed... read more →
Credit reports in Nigeria still have a way to go to match the efficiency of those in developed nations. The reports play an active role in lending to people with... read more →
Who is offering Online Loans in Nigeria? Online loan providers in Nigeria have become a key way for people and businesses to get easy access to capital. Most banks,... read more →
The National Bureau of Statistics show the average interest rate charged by the commercial banks on a loan at 17.09% in Q3 2016 up from 16.82% in Q1 2016. The... read more →