A bank loan is a form of credit which is extended for a specified period of time, usually on fixed-interest terms related to the base rate of interest, with the... read more →
A business loan is a loan specifically intended for business purposes. As with all loans, it involves the creation of a debt, which will be repaid with added interest. There... read more →
Most online moneylender loans in Nigeria are based upon the personal integrity of customers and not on the material security which they can provide. The function of lending is increasingly... read more →
Online loans provide a digital form of credit which is extended for a specified period of time, usually on fixed-interest terms, with the principal being repaid either on a regular... read more →
Online loans provide a digital form of credit which is extended for a specified period of time, usually on fixed-interest terms, with the principal being repaid either on a regular... read more →
There are a lot of entrepreneurs with great business ideas but they can't implement them due to inability to get the start up fund (capital). However, there are some profitable... read more →
There are several ways to lower your debt in Nigeria. These include refinancing, consolidation and renegotiating payment terms. Whether it was that Wizkid or Adekunle Gold concert ticket that set us... read more →