A bank loan is a form of credit which is extended for a specified period of time, usually on fixed-interest terms related to the base rate of interest, with the... read more →
Profit Before Taxation combines all of the company's profits before tax, including operating, non-operating, continuing operations and non-continuing operations. In this educational article, we list the 2018 top banks in... read more →
Medical loans refers to loans incurred by individuals due to health care costs and related expenses. In most cases medical loans in Nigeria are not provided by the hospital itself,... read more →
Borrowing instant loans in Nigeria has recently become easier with the advent of online only based lenders to the loan market. The lower cost structure enables them to lend collateral... read more →
Credit scoring is a method of allocating scores to specific facts about a customer in other to decide whether to lend. It is based on the principle that statistics about... read more →
The Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) was established on 15 June 1988 under the NDIC Act No. 22 of 1988 to strengthen the safety net for the newly liberalized banking sector. It... read more →